STILL 100% TRUE IN 2023 : For pantyhose fetishists only! There should be a separate section on VoyeurWeb for men who find fabric more erotic than natural feminine nudity!
No, "CandaulisaXP," don't call him a "nerd." He's just a mean-spirited l0ser with too much time on his hands and a dedication to abuse that if he had for something worthwhile maybe he'd have more in his life than his PC and a penchant for insults. Don't let cretins like him get to you . . . he probably has never HAD a woman and is just bitter because he knows that you'd turn him down as well.
Oh, one other minor thing that you obviously didn't consider (which only proves that your moniker "Mr. Smart" is certainly not one awarded you by someone else) is this: a lot of the comments to which I responded have been flagged and removed. Apparently I have a little more support than you think.
Hey, "Mr [obviously not] Smart," problem is that I AM getting responses. My presence is apparently pissing you off, which makes me glad. You see, the worthiness of one's cause can often be judged by those he angers while pursuing it. So when I see that I have you calling me names and getting irked . . . well, I MUST be doing something right and virtuous.
Wish I could, "CandaulisaXP," as I'd LOVE to see more of your pictures. If you wish to reward me, simply don't listen to the assorted abusers here. Continue to post so that REAL men like me can continue to enjoy your pictures. :o)
See, there it goes again. (LOL) Seriously, I'm confident in my masculinity and sexuality, so I find it funny when you people try to call me "gay." But the fact that you resort to that grade-school mentality says a WORLD about you.
One other thing I noticed, and found extremely humorous. The number of gay-themed insults hurled at me. Apparently the assorted dullards here believe that if you have a problem with racists, bullies and cowards, you must be "gay." Really? Is that the best you have?
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Mi Culona Posando en Mini
Posted by: Dulce
La vesti con una mini que le queda apretadisima,