Sorry, "boxerporn," but so long as they abuse women, I will continue to abuse them. You don't like it? Tell them to stop doing what they're doing. There's a cause and effect situation here. I don't post my comments at them unless they appear first.
And yet, "doobie nice," I control you so much that you continue to return. You can't claim you "don't give a shit" when you continue to return. Tell me, how does it feel to have your failure pointed out so succinctly. As to my always being right, I would dispute that . . . it's not that I'm always right--the problem is that you're always in the wrong.
Hey, look! Two morons no waiting! First, "doobie nice," I don't think any person who can't differentiate between "your" and "you're" is in a position to drop hints about another person's intelligence. You're obviously far too illiterate to be entitled to an opinion. As to you, "48 laptons," the fact that you come here, see the spiteful and even racist comments (plus an admission to doing same) yet choose to attack me and not them already speaks volumes of your character. So knowing what we know of your character, I can safely say that I don't give a shit what you think of me either.
No, "doobie nice," I'm just smart enough to know that when you come here and attack ME but ignore the comments of those like "008" (or whatever moniker he's using today), than I really don't care what you think. And as I've repeatedly written, I never claimed to be smarter than or superior to anyone . . . except those who act as they do.
By the way, "cando69," I have repeatedly stated in my posts that I enjoy feeding these clowns' abuse back to them. As I usually put it, I make them eat the same meal they enjoy serving . . . and most of them find they don't like the taste. The difference is that I do it much better than they, and that REALLY "grinds their gears." What I do is hold their underlying issues up to the light so others can laugh at them. What type of person feels a need to act as they do--to attack women anonymously as they do? The psychological condition underlying their need is quite clear and quite telling. All I do in most cases is point out how sad and misguided their lives must be to result in the character they display.
Perhaps, "cando69," or more likely it is I who pulled their strings. But, again, I really don't care what you think. You're nothing but a pretender anyway, as your allegiance is abundantly clear. You "pretend" to be offended by their acts, but save your ire solely for me. Even in the presence of that clown's racism you say nothing. So why would I care what YOU think? In any event, what I DO know is that on no fewer than a dozen times over the years, the women posting here have sent me messages thanking me. And that means more to me than anything you have to say on the subject.
Dan get over yourself. I didn't side with anyone here and their rude comments. I said you act every bit as childish as them. Where does that show I'm siding with anyone. But I see these guys sure now how to pull the strings and make a puppet dance.
And another new moniker, huh, "00000 King?" Claim what you wish, but the proof is below. You confessed to everything I've referenced in the past. You showed your misogyny and racism in the most obvious manner possible. Face it, clown, you got owned. I pushed your buttons one at a time until you finally cracked. You essentially became like Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men." (How ironic . . . probably the same title as your dating book.) Go watch the movie so you can see how badly I've beaten you.
By the way, "cando69," now that you've had a chance to see exactly the kind of bottom-dweller "008" is, do you still want to side with him? For God's sake, he actually wrote "minorities" as one of his list of insults! If standing up to a clown like him is wrong, I don't want to be right.
I keep re-reading your statement, and laughing at how thoroughly I have beaten you. Not only do you confess to the very act I've accused you of from the beginning, but look at the hateful and vile words you utilize to describe women WHO HAVE DONE YOU NO HARM. Such anger . . . such vitriol . . . such resentment. One has to wonder what transpired in your life to engender such resentment. Of course, one of the known underpinnings of misogyny is outward-directed self-loathing due to latent h0m0sexuality. It is also a known underpinning of h0m0phobic behavior. I would urge you to get immediate help, as you are undoubtedly a danger to yourself.
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thanks to the positive feedback and negative if they do not like my friend did not see it for better refrain from making absurd comments