Amazing quality photo session and really erotic... I wonder if this is just a role playing or are these pics FOR REAL!! Anyway really sexy and horny indeed!! This is David from portugal 34yo, and just find you absolutely astonishing!!Please KEEP POSTING!!!Would also love to trade few words with you, even if it was just to suggest on your future contris. E mail me if wanted:
As i said before, keep us updated with YOU!KEEP POSTING!!
Best wishes and biggest kisses!!
There is nothing in this world more beautiful than seeing two very stunningly beautiful woman together. There is a sense of desire yet softness with these black and white photos. I think you woman are so very beautiful and if you are not bi there are a gazillion men out here tearing up. I just wished I was the photographer to be able to see up close and personal how stunning you both are. As for 'Gussers' remarks for colour 'WHO GIVES A FLYING FISH' when a woman's body is as hot and fantastically gorgeous as you two woman are WOW I thank my lucky stars that you have graced us with your beauty. Thank you ladies for you wonderful posts all the time. Live Love and Laughter to you both forever. Biodad that wishes he was with you at the photo shoot.
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Posted by: Kate and Monic
One day in photographer