Afternoon Fun

Posted by: Real Milf Mandy

Mar 7, 2013

Sorry I cant show my face, I work for a major airline. Just enjoy my body. I look forward to reading your sexy comments. Would also love to hear from any girls out there too. Mandy xx

Recent Comments for Afternoon Fun (20)
  • Love you ...
  • Great ass and tits. Those nipples look delicious. Great pussy. What a sexy woman. Thanks for sharing. Love to see more. carolinalovin44@
  • Mmmm Mandy, I would love to lay out in the sun with you too, I love your pics
  • LUSCIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Couldn't help but reminded of the Barry Manilow song of the same always thought it was a beautiful tune and now I'll be reminded of your beautiful body when I hear that tune. Thanks, @
  • Hi Mandy Your Absolutely stunning!!!!! Sensual Body! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!! perfect Pussy!!! :) would love to join the miles high club with you!!! like to see your Pretty face it is just a shame so lovely pictures ;) of your perfect body and a blured face. :( I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim tdepoorter@
  • Mandy if you state your name and say you work for a major airline, doesn't that narrow things down just a bit on who you might be?Also love the body!!!!
  • Major airline huh? I would LOVE to ride you to heaven.
  • A beautiful, sweet body. I would love to join the "Mile High Club" with you.
  • You are a very beautiful woman with an incredibly sexy body! I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? jkapy@
  • Good golly, you sure look like you like to bone... I got a bone ready to slide into your backside... jddawson_1969@
  • You are an erotic work of for making my day. Your fan jeff_owl@
  • Ignor Grabby Mandy. He's an ass. I think you have a rockin hot body. Would love to see you walking down the isle on my flight.
  • Nice body, can only assume that you have great eyes and pretty smile?
  • It is sad that her face is too ugly to show, poor

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